Safe Arrival
1-844-408-9360 (toll free)
Important February and March Dates
February 21-24 Mid WInter Break (District Holiday)
Monday, March 3 - PL School Development Continuation (full day)
Monday, March 10 - Report Card Writing Day (full day)
March 17 - District Holiday St. Patrick's Day Holiday (full day)
Thursday, March 20 - 11:30 am dismissal Parent/ Teacher interview
PowerSchool has engaged Experian and TransUnion, trusted credit reporting agencies, to provide complimentary identity protection and credit monitoring services to involved students and educators:
Individuals can visit the website linked here for information on how to activate the complimentary credit monitoring and identity protection services.
In the Newfoundland and Labrador K-12 education system, high school students since 1995 and teachers since 2010 may be eligible to access the complimentary credit monitoring and identity protection services. Individuals are encouraged to visit the above website and follow the prompts to determine eligibility and sign up for the complimentary services.
In the coming weeks, Experian (on behalf of PowerSchool) will also be distributing direct email notifications to involved students (or the parents/guardians of students, as applicable) and educators for whom they have sufficient contact information. The email notice will include further information about the information of theirs involved and the resources PowerSchool is offering.
Additionally, PowerSchool has coordinated with Experian to set up a toll-free call center for families and educators. Individuals can call (833) 918-9464, Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. through 10:30 p.m. Newfoundland Standard Time.
A webpage has been set up on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s website with public information related to the PowerSchool incident. Inquiries can be sent to
Once again thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this process.
KinderStart 2025
We are happy to provide the following 4 dates for Kinderstart sessions at Bishop Abraham Elementary:
Session 1: January 31st, 2025
Session 2: February 28th, 2025
Session 3: March 28th, 2025
Session 4: May 2nd, 2025
Backup session date (due to weather closure, etc): May 23rd, 2025.
Sessions are offered in the morning (9:30 - 11 am) and afternoon (1 - 2:30 pm). Please email to confirm your choice of AM or PM session. Requests for AM or PM sessions will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. You will be notified about which session your child will be attending prior to the first session in January.
We look forward to meeting you!
Electronic Device Policy
NLSchools Responsible Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices Policy will come into effect when students return from holiday break on January 6, 2025. The policy aims to reduce the impact of inappropriate personal electronic device usage, such as cell phones, on learning.
The full policy is available on the NLSchools website. Some of the highlights to be
aware of are:
• Students in grades K-6 are encouraged to not bring PEDs to school or have on their
person and will not be permitted to use personal electronic devices in schools.
• Students in grade 7 to level 4 who bring a personal electronic device to school must
switch it off and store out of sight during instructional hours. Students can access
their devices during recess and lunch breaks.
• Teachers and staff should continue to exercise their professional judgement in
determining when their PED use is necessary.
To support the implementation of the policy on January 6, a frequently asked questions
document for students, parents and guardians is available on the NLSchools website.
Additional support documents will be shared with schools later today, including sample
templates for tracking policy violations and communicating with parents and guardians, as
well as a policy exemption application for parents and guardians.
Important Close-out Dates
Friday, November 22nd full day closeout for Teacher Report Card Writing
District closeout date Thursday, November 28th
December 5, 2024 11:30 am dismissal for parent teacher conferences
December 6, full day close-out for students. Teacher PL.
November Newsletter
Please see our November Newsletter
October Newsletter
Please see our October Newsletter
September Updates
September 26th is Orange Shirt Day at Bishop Abraham in recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day taking place on September 30.
Orange Shirt Day is an Indigenous-led grassroots commemorative day intended to raise awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools, and to promote the concept of “Every Child Matters”. The orange shirt is a symbol of the stripping away of culture, freedom and self-esteem experienced by Indigenous children over generations.
Earth Rangers Assembly (K-6): Thursday September 26th
Earth Rangers is piloting a new format for our school assembly that replaces the use of live animals with exciting technology like holograms, animatronics, and surround sound to transport students to ecosystems around the world! Students will learn about the threats facing animals and their habitats, and the things we can all do to help. The assembly touches on a number of curriculum outcomes for different grade levels.
Why won’t there be live animals? Earth Rangers is still delivering our live animal presentations, but has made the decision to no longer acquire new animals. In order to ensure our program remains viable and sustainable for the long-term, we have begun developing and testing alternative formats that retain the high level of quality, excitement and environmental education schools have come to expect from an Earth Rangers presentation.
The assembly is 45 minutes long and offers educational, curriculum-linked information appropriate for Grades K-6. There are interactive components throughout the assembly, including a trivia game.There is no fee for students and we are delighted to have them at Bishop Abraham Elementary.
School Lunch
Information can be found at If at all possible,
please provide your child with lunch before they arrive at school in the morning.
Important Dates:
Registration and ordering for School Lunch will open on Sept 9th.
Ordering will close on Sept 17th.
Hot lunch service for students will begin on Sept 25th.
Terry Fox Walk 2024
Bishop Abraham Elementary is getting ready for the 2024 Terry Fox School Walk on September 27th! We’re super excited to take part in this annual tradition that supports cancer research while building school spirit. Please support our student’s fundraising efforts and donate today at: #terryfoxschoolrun #nomatterwhat @theterryfoxfoundation
Welcome Back!
Please take time to read our September Newsletter.
We are excited to start our new school year 2024-2025. Please browse through all our tabs above for the latest information!
Important Dates 2024-25
September 3 - Administration Day
September 4 - School Reopens for Students
September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
October 14 - Thanksgiving Day
November 11 - Remembrance Day
December 20 - Last Day - Christmas/ Winter Break
January 6 - School Reopens
February 21-24 - Mid Winter Break
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
April 17 - Last Day Prior to Easter/ Spring Break
April 28 - School Reopens
May 19 - Victoria Day
June 26 - Last Day for Students - Summer Break
June 27 - Administration Day
KinderStart/Kindergarten Online Registration is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9, 2024. It will begin at 9:00 AM on May 8 and remain open until 9:00 PM on May 9 (Island time).
This registration is for children who will be five (5) years of age on or before December 31, 2025.
When families register their child for Kindergarten, they are registering for KinderStart sessions which will be held during 2024-25 and Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.
Online registration can be completed by following the steps here:
Winter Package Draw Winners:
1st Prize: Glenda Pack
2nd Prize: Michelle Keating
3 rd Prize: Matthew Alcott
Thank you to all who supported. Congratulations to our winners.
Please visit our webpage for information on our exciting Winter Package Draw details! Thank you to all businesses and family members who donated to this wonderful project.
DF Barnes Arena Skating Update
The Avalon Celtics are pleased to launch a skating program with Bishop Abraham Elementary (next door to DF Barnes Arena). Our program will include all grades K-6 (ages 5-12). The goal is to start as soon as the students have the equipment.
Through a school survey, 75% of students have never skated before, and only about 10% of the students have skates or helmets. As the majority of these students have never had a chance to enjoy skating, every helmet and pair of skates gets them a little closer to getting on the ice for the first time and developing good skating skills.
We are reaching out to #CelticsHockeyNation and the local hockey community to donate helmets and skates to support this initiative. Helmets (with CSA sticker – per below) can be dropped off at Bishop Abraham school from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 3:30 pm or at the DF Barnes Arena from 3:30 until 10:00. We will accept donations on weekends at DF Barnes Arena from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.
If you have missed the online registration please contact the school and we will help.
Kinderstart Sessions for parent/ guardian & student:
Session 1: Friday, January 26, 2024
Session 2: Friday, February 23, 2024
Session 3: Friday, March 22, 2024
Session 4: Friday, April 26, 2024
**Any session missed due to weather closures will be made up in May.
Holiday Happiness at Bishop Abraham 2023
Monday, December 4-Day 6: Color a holiday (Christmas, Kwanzaa or Hanukkah, St. Lucia’s Day, and St. Nicholas Day) coloring sheet
Tuesday, December 5-Day 7: St. Nicholas Day. This holiday is celebrated in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and other countries. Options are to read a book or listen to a read aloud, video, comprehension reading, do a craft, colouring pages, etc. December 5th is St. Nicholas’ Eve and December 6th is St. Nicholas Day.
Wednesday, December 6-Day 1: Make a card for a senior (we will bring them over to Bishop’s Gardens Monday, December 18)
Thursday, December 7-Day 2: Hanukkah activity. Options are a book, read aloud, video, comprehension reading, learn the dreidel song, menorah craft, dreidel craft, etc. Hanukkah begins in the evening of December 7th and runs from the 8th through to the 15th.
Friday, December 8-Day 3: Holiday Book Read Aloud- A Special Guest will come to your class. Extra “holly jolly” outside time.
Monday, December 11-Day 4: Lucia Day (or St. Lucy’s Day). Most widely celebrated in Scandinavia (Finland, Norway, and Sweden) and in Italy, Lucia Day symbolizes light in a dark winter. There are many options for activities.
Tuesday, December 12-Day 5: Play board games or do a holiday shake break.
Wednesday, December 13-Day 6: Kwanzaa Day. Kwanzaa is an annual celebration of African (or African-American) culture from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a communal feast called Karamu.
Thursday, December 14-Day 7: Grinch Day - Wear Green & Plan Grinch Day activities. Grinch Primary
Friday, December 15-Day 1: Holiday Concert Day
Special Visitor
Monday, December 18-Day 2: Newfoundland Christmas Traditions! Dress like a Mummer and dance to the “Mummer’s Song” at Bishop’s Gardens. Deliver seniors’ holiday cards that we made. We will leave around 1:20pm to go over.
Tuesday, December 19-Day 3: Holiday Movie Day
Wednesday, December 20-Day 4: Wear a favorite hat (antlers, santa , baseball)!
Sing-a-long in the gymnasium
Dismissal at 1:00pm, Happy Holidays!
November and October Newsletters
Please see our November and October Newsletter for families.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to all as we start a new school year. For the information of families please see our September Newsletter for information.
Our open house is scheduled for Thursday, September 21 starting at 4 pm. We look forward to meeting you.
Supply Lists
Kinderstart/ Kindergarten Registration
You may be asking, am I registering for Kinderstart or Kindergarten? The answer is BOTH! When you register your child for Kindergarten, you are registering for Kinderstart starting this upcoming school year and Kindergarten the following September.
Children must be five (5) years of age on or before December 31, 2024 in order to register.
When registration starts, the link at the right is how the initial registration page will appear (click to open preview PDF of the form). This is NOT the actual form to fill out, it is only a sample of the actual form for your convenience). If you are registering twins, there will be an option on the second page for you to continue to register a second child.
You will need the following in order to complete an online application:
MCP number including expiration date;
An email address in order to receive confirmation of receipt of your application;
What school you are zoned for (Please use the School Catchment Viewer HERE);
Contact phone number and an emergency contact phone number; and,
An Internet-ready device
To complete the registration process, proof of address and confirmation of MCP number must be provided to the school on or before May 31, 2023.
This registration process is for children who will attend KinderStart in the upcoming school year and Kindergarten in the following school year. Children registered in KinderStart will automatically be registered to attend Kindergarten.
Additionally, for further information on the Provincial Government/Department of Education Pre-Kindergarten Pilot Program, which is being managed by the YMCA, can be found by visiting their dedicated PreKindergarten Program website. Feel free to check back regularly for updates.
Online Registration for Kinderstart(2023)/Kindergarten(2024) will get underway May, 2023 for both the English and Early French Immersion programs, as per the District's School Zoning, Student Registration and Transfers (PROG-311) policy. The registration dates are outlined below:
Monday, May 8, 2023 to Tuesday, May 9, 2023 for Central, Western and Labrador regions of the province. (Family of Schools 1-6); and
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 to Thursday, May 11, 2023 for Avalon region (including St. John's metro area) of the province. (Families of schools 7-10)
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection and community. For those observing this occasion, may Ramadan be generous to you!
Please view our special message for Ramadan
Janeway Day
February 14th is Janeway Day in schools. Children can wear their PJ’s or comfy clothes. We will not be collecting any money on this day, but if you or families wish to make a donation to the Janeway, follow the link below.
Black History Month
Black History Month – February is Black History month and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation has compiled a list of resources to help you celebrate this month. You can find the resources HERE.
Kinderstart 2023 Sessions
Our Parent Meeting will take place on Thursday, Jan. 19 from 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. This parent meeting is for parents/ caregivers only.
Our student sessions for parents/ caregivers & students take place on:
Session 1: Friday, January 27, 2023
Session 2: Friday, February 24, 2023
Session 3: Friday, March 31, 2023
Session 4: Friday, April 28, 2023
**Any session missed due to weather closures will be made up on May 5th.
Sessions will take place for 1.5 hours in the morning or afternoon. There will be a sign up sheet at the parent meeting. Any other questions you may have will also be answered at that meeting.
Flu Vaccine Clinic
With the increase of respiratory illness, Eastern Health has opened an additional flu vaccine clinic for all-ages this Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022
Mount Pearl Square (760 Topsail Road) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To book an appointment or view available appointment times for a clinic near you, please visit: or call 1-833-951-3904.
Flu shots are also available at no cost through local pharmacies and family physicians.
December Newsletter
Our December Newsletter is here! Happy Holidays
Dates to Remember
November 8 - Picture Retakes
November 8 - School Lunch Menu Orders Open / Orders close Nov. 15
November 11 - Remembrance Day Holiday
November 14 - PD Day - no school for students (full day)
November. 15 - Online Ordering
November 24 - PD Day - no school for students (full day)
December 1 - Term 1 Reports released
December 7 - Parent-teacher Interviews. Dismissal at 11:30 am
December 21 - Last day prior to Christmas
January 3 - School Reopens
First Reporting Session
First term report cards will go home with students on Thursday, December 1. Parent-Teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday, December 7. Please note all students will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 7.
PD Day Close-out
There will be full day close-outs on Friday, November 14 and Thursday, November 24 for students. Teachers will be attending PD for the full day.
School Lunch
Updated link for ordering to
November orders are open online Tuesday, October 11th with a deadline of Tuesday, October 18th.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to another school year! We are so excited to start a new year. Please see our September newsletter for more information.
(PRMA) Provincial Reading and Mathematics Assessment
Guided by the Education Action Plan, a Provincial Reading and Mathematics Assessment (PRMA) for grades three, six and nine students will begin in May 2022. The Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes, Now is the Time, identified a need for a new provincial assessment of curriculum outcomes in reading and mathematics curricula to better align with national and international assessments.
PRMA will help inform policy development, and help educators recognize areas of strength as well as barriers that may exist to students reaching their full potential.
There is no student preparation required for PRMA. The assessment will take place each May and June, with reading and mathematics administered in alternating years, measuring student knowledge in mathematics or reading at a particular point in time.
PRMA data will be monitored and analyzed by the Department of Education and the school districts to identify where action is needed to improve student learning.
Teachers, administrators, school districts and the department will use this data to develop strategies and initiatives to support and further enhance student learning.
Grades 3 and 6 students at Bishop Abraham Elementary will complete the PRMA assessment on Thursday, May 26, 2022.
Masking Update (May 13, 2022)
Dear Students and Families, please be advised that, in consultation with Public Health, the District has determined that current masking protocols in schools and on school buses will remain in effect until May 20, 2022. Commencing Tuesday, May 24, 2022, the masking protocol will become family choice. However, masking remains highly recommended for students and staff. By continuing to strongly encourage masking, it is our hope that it will continue to reduce the transition of germs and viruses within the school environment and help us preserve valuable instructional time and extracurricular activities as we near the end of the school year.
To that end, we encourage you to continue with the following:
● Individual hand washing and sanitation; and,
● Ensure individuals utilize the daily school screening questionnaire and remain home when unwell.
Thank you for your continued attention to these matters.
Rotary Segment
A wonderful segment aired Sunday on NTV. Thank-you Rotary for the wonderful partnership over the years. We look forward to many more!
Upcoming Events
Responsive Teaching and Learning
Bishop Abraham Elementary is involved in the 2020-21 phase-in of the Responsive Teaching and Learning [RTL] Policy currently being implemented by all schools with K-6 students throughout the province. This policy introduces new resources to schools and supports teachers in responding to students’ learning and social emotional needs. One of the key differences is the introduction of the Tiered Approach to Learning which focuses on teachers working collaboratively to meet the needs of all students. It is designed to enhance early identification of student needs and to provide appropriate support for as long as required. Within this model, there are three tiers or levels of instruction - Universal, Targeted and Intensive. Classroom teachers in collaboration with instructional resource teachers, reading specialists, teacher librarians, teaching and learning assistants and others [student assistants, etc.] may work with students both within and outside the classroom. They work together to regularly assess and monitor student work in an endeavor to design learning experiences to meet student needs. One key change is that students do not require an identified exceptionality to receive additional support or additional challenge. The Responsive Teaching and Learning policy ensures there will be a team deciding who will support the student, what needs to be worked on, and the best learning environment. The duration of time students stay in a given tier will depend on their progress. This will have an impact on report cards, in that many students who would have gotten inserts for alternate programs will no longer receive these. Instead, students who require additional support within the tiered approach to learning will have that communicated on their regular report card. There will be no name attached to the supports on the report cards as these are considered ‘best practice’ in teaching and learning. Students receiving alternate courses or alternate curriculum will continue to receive an insert. Recognizing that families have a very important role in the learning process, we commit to keeping you informed throughout the year as we implement these changes. Teachers will continue to communicate with you regarding your child’s progress and any supports provided within Tiered Approach to Learning. Thank you for your continued interest in your child’s learning.
Black Lives Matter
NLESD Launches new Learning Site
The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is launching a resource to assist and guide families with continued learning opportunities while in-school instruction remains suspended. The resource,
Learning at Home: Good at Learning-Good at Life (
is a Google site, a platform familiar to our students and staff. The site will provide opportunities to foster a passion for learning through engaging online and offline adventures and activities.
Please be aware that for now, there is no expectation for families to be teachers and there is no expectation for teachers to assign grades or values to any work students complete while they are at home. However, students are encouraged to share their learning and routines with their teachers for feedback. This resource is in addition to the many rich opportunities teachers are already providing.
Bus Safety Information
Below are some links to Bus Safety information. We ask that you view this with your children and have a discussion about the importance of appropriate bus safety procedures. Thank-You
Archived Posts
Kinderstart/ Kindergarten Online Registration
Kinderstart/Kindergarten Online Registration for the Avalon Region is scheduled for May 11th and 12th, 2022. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 11th and remain open until 9:00 p.m, Thursday, May 12th, 2022.
This registration is for children who will be five (5) years of age on or before December 31st, 2023.
When families register their child for Kindergarten, they are registering for Kinderstart sessions which will be held during 2022-23 and Kindergarten for the 2023-24 school year.
Online registration can be completed by following the steps here:
Families will need the following in order to complete an online application:
1. MCP number including expiration date;
2. An email address in order to receive confirmation of receipt of your application;
3. What school you are zoned for (please use the School Catchment Viewer HERE);
4. Contact phone number and an emergency contact phone number; and,
5. An Internet-ready device.
To complete the registration process, proof of address and confirmation of MCP number must be provided. Arrangements to complete this process will be communicated in the coming weeks by the school at which you registered.
If you have any questions regarding the Kinderstart/Kindergarten program and registration process and details, please contact your zoned school administrator for assistance or email your questions to
50/ 50 Winner
The winner of this years 50/50 is Bert Dyke ticket number 0436 (seller Gracie Baker)
Emma Vickers sold most tickets $50 prize. Kayleigh Pippy sold the second most - 3 Growlers Tickets. Aimee Brown was the third highest - 2 Growlers Tickets
Thank-you to our school community for your support.
Education Week March 14-18, 2022
Theme: A Place to Grow
The week of March 14-18th has been designed as Education Week throughout the
province. This year’s theme of Education Week is: “A Place to Grow”
This year’s theme not only represents the physical and academic growth that happens in our
school every day but also reflects the formative social and emotional growth that happens with
the support and encouragement of our teachers and staff. We are celebrating this week with various activities each day for our students, teachers and staff at Bishop Abraham Elementary.
1. Monday, March 14th
A day in the life - A firefighter visit our school. (schedule attached)
D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read)
2. Tuesday, March 15th
Dress as your favourite character from a book
3. Wednesday, March 16th
Dart Outdoors Day
4. Thursday, March 17th
Crazy Hair /Hat Day
5. Friday, March 18th
Wear your Favorite Jersey
School Development Surveys
School Development Surveys are conducted annually to gather feedback from students, staff, and parents/guardians to inform the school development process. The survey results will be provided to your child’s school and used with other data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges. Your child’s school will then create and implement a plan to build on successes and address areas of challenge. The survey is anonymous, which means that we cannot connect your survey responses to you. We encourage everyone to participate so that we have the most accurate representation of family perceptions at your school.
The Family Survey will be available on February 14th, 2022. Please complete the survey by March 25th, 2022 by clicking on the following link:
If you do not have internet access contact your school.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the school development surveys, please contact:
Allan Johnson at 709-729-7831 or or
Patricia Emberley at 709-729-6850 or
Thank you for your participation and for being a valued member of your school community.
Ages 5-11 Mass Clinics
Public Health would like to advise additional ages 5-11 Mass Clinics will be held this week in the St. John’s Area at The Village Mall (YELLOW)
Thursday Feb 3rd 10am-6pm
Friday Feb 4th 10am-6pm
Saturday Feb 5th 10am-6pm
Please ensure an 8 week interval between the 1st and 2nd dose.
1st doses appointments also available.
Please book your appointment online by visiting Get the Shot - COVID-19 Vaccine ( or by calling 1-833-951-3884
Family Literacy Day
January 27th is #FamilyLiteracyDay! This year, families across Canada are encouraged to learn in the great outdoors. Don't forget to tag us in all of your activities today, and be sure to visit to access free learning resources.
Mask Guidelines
As noted in the Public Health Guidance for Return to School (2022), and the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s Special Measures Orders, wearing a mask plays an important role in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. In advance of your child’s return to school tomorrow (January 25), the District is highlighting the following requirements:
● All students are required to wear a mask at all times in common areas and while in the classroom
(unless there are significant communication impediments);
● All students must wear a mask on school buses (unless there are significant communication
● Masks are not required when actively eating or drinking, or during physical activity.
● Public Health has advised the District masks with three (3) layers are recommended for students.
These can be either a three-layer cloth mask or a three-ply disposable non-medical mask.
Requests for exemptions to this requirement will only be considered where:
● The student has a physical or mental health condition that prevents them from wearing a mask
(which must be supported by appropriate medical evidence; the school's knowledge and
experience working with the student ), or
● There are significant communication impediments to wearing a mask, which will be assessed by
the District, and may also require medical evidence.
Unless an exemption is approved by the District, based on one of the above grounds, every student is required to wear a mask in accordance with Public Health Special Measures Orders in order to ride the bus and attend school.
Please take the time to discuss with your child the importance of following the mask guidelines contained in this memo. Non compliance with these guidelines may result in your child being advised that they cannot attend school or ride the bus.
The District thanks you in advance for your continued support and cooperation.
In-class Instruction Resumes Tuesday, Jan. 25th
Tuesday, Jan. 25 has been confirmed as the date for resumption of in-class instruction for students. Monday will be a transition day for staff, and students will not be in attendance. Virtual learning will conclude on Friday, Jan. 21st.
Students will now take a rapid self-test on Saturday Jan. 22, and again on the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 25 before leaving home for school. Please follow the instructions included with your rapid self-test kits. If a student tests positive, they should not attend school and should follow Public Health Guidance.
Second Dose Information
St. John’s & Area
Children, aged 5-11, who received their first dose of COVID vaccine on November 25, 26 or 27, 2021 are now eligible for a second dose and can book a second dose appointment for this Saturday, January 22, 2022 at the Village Mall Yellow or at 50 Mundy Pond Road (Former Public Service Commission Building). Appointments can be booked online by visiting Get the Shot - COVID-19 Vaccine ( or by calling 1-833-951-3884
Children, aged 5-11, who received their first dose of COVID vaccine after November 27, 2021, are now nearing their minimum 8 week interval between doses.
Parents are now being asked to visit Get the Shot - COVID-19 Vaccine ( or call 1-833-951-3884 to book their child’s second dose appointment in a mass clinic site of their choice.
Please note, second dose appointments for children ages 5-11 must be at least eight weeks after the first dose.
Appointments are also available for children who have not yet received a first dose and wish to do so.
Rapid Test Kit Information
Please read the information below carefully. If you have any questions about pick-up details please contact the school at 579-9071.
Kit Details
Exactly one kit has been assigned to each child in our school. We have not been given any extra kits at this time. The kit comes in an envelope and contains 5 rapid tests for covid-19. The double sided paper instructions will also be provided.
Follow the links below for rapid test kit information and a video on how to administer the rapid test on your child.
Please wait for further communication on when to administer the rapid tests. This information will be shared following the announcement on Thursday, Jan. 20th. Everyone receiving a kit is asked to hold it in a secure location until receiving the official go-ahead to begin the testing process. This notification will come in the form of a public advisory from the Provincial Government and communication from your school administrator.
Each student will be expected to take 2 tests, at home, 72 hours apart. Both tests must be negative in order to send your child to school.
Pick Up Details
The gym will be used for test kit pick up for both Wednesday, Jan. 19th and Thursday, Jan. 20th.
Pick Up Schedules: Pick up times are indicated below.
Primary Grades Wednesday, Jan.19th
1:00 pm Kindergarten
1:30 pm Grade 1
2:30 pm Grade 2
3:00 pm Grade 3
Elementary Grades Thursday, Jan. 20th
9:30 am Grade 4
10:00 am Grade 5
10:30 am Grade 6
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm open pick-up time for those who could not make assigned times on Wednesday or Thursday.
Please wear a mask and use the open red door at the gym for entering. Please stay in your car if you see a line up at the door and wait until there is no line up to enter the gym. Once in the gym you will see a table where a staff member will distribute your child’s test kit envelope and record the name. If parents have other children in different grades they may pick up all the kits during one visit. Exit the gym to the side parking lot through the red exterior door in the gym closest to the stage.
If you cannot make the assigned time slot, feel free to drop by when possible on Thursday afternoon between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. If you cannot make it to the school for pick up please email so arrangements can be made for a drop off time on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Virtual Library Learning Commons
Thanks to Ms. Currie for developing the Virtual Library Learning Commons. This site is designed to promote literacy beyond the four walls of our library and engage learners. We want to inspire creativity with makerspace activities, as well as continue and further your love of stories, reading, and writing. This Virtual Library Learning Commons is here to help students, teachers and families connect with quality literature and educational resources. We hope that you enjoy as you explore at your own pace.
Special Thanks to Mrs. Harris for her amazing help!
Jamarama Day
Jamarama is scheduled for Friday, October 22, however this is our picture day.
Bishop Abraham students will participate in Jamarama Day on Monday, October 25.
Similar to our Terry Fox Walk, we will be taking online donations only for Jamarama at :
Mask Use Update
In accordance with Public Health recommendations announced today (Friday, September 17),
the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is amending its current masking
protocols in schools throughout the province. Effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, September 18th, mask-use in
schools is reintroduced for the following:
● All students and staff (K-12), including contracted bus drivers, must wear a non-medical
mask while on school buses.
● All students and staff (K-12) must wear a non-medical mask in school corridors, and in
all common areas within the school (e.g., staff rooms, cafeterias, music rooms, learning
● All students and staff (Grades 4-12) must wear a non-medical mask at all times while in
the school environment, including while in the classroom. The exceptions are:
➢ Masking will not be required in school gymnasiums when physical activity is
taking place.
➢ Music programs and instrumental activity, including the playing of wind
instruments, can continue.
● All visitors, volunteers and external presenters in schools are required to wear a
non-medical mask at all times.
Reminder Staff and students must use this questionnaire daily to decide if they should attend school. Parents should complete the screening on behalf of their school-aged children.
Terry Fox Walk
Again this year, students from Bishop Abraham Elementary will be participating in the Terry Fox Walk/ Run. It will take place on Friday, Oct 1st, 2021 at 1pm. Our K-3 students will be walking around the Field, adjacent to our school, and our 4-6 students will be walking to and around Mundy Pond.
Participating in the Terry Fox Walk/ Run is an excellent opportunity for us to remember and celebrate the life of Terry Fox, the impact he has had on our community, as well as to contribute to his cause by raising money for cancer research.
If you would like to donate and support students in their Terry Fox Walk, please visit this website: Bishop Abraham Elementary Donation Link, so that your donation will be registered through our school.
Welcome Back!
Please see our September 2021-22 School Opening Update
Class Supply Lists 2021-2022
50/50 Winner
Congratulations to our lucky winner of the 50/50 ticket draw. The winner is Richard Allen with a winning ticket # 2516.
Congratulations also go out to our student Mary Allen who won the sellers prize.
Congratulations also to Isabella Bonnell who sold the most tickets.
Thank-you to our school community for your support.