Parent-Teacher Communication

Open and active communication between home and school is greatly encouraged: 


School Security

To assist us in the smooth operation of the school and for the safety and security of students and staff, we ask that late students sign in at the main office before proceeding to their classrooms and any visitors to the school enter via the main entrance and check in at the office immediately. Items delivered to school for students or staff can be dropped off at the office where they will then be delivered to the individual with the minimum of disruption to teaching and learning. Should it be necessary for a parent to meet with a child, that student will be called to the General Office. 

Dress Code

Parents are reminded that all students need a pair of indoor shoes for school (other than the pair they wear to school).

Sneakers are to be worn in the gymnasium at all times.

No heeled shoes or boots are to be worn in school..

Grades 4, 5, and 6 students must wear gym clothes to participate in gym class.

No T-shirts with inappropriate language will be permitted.

Regardless of the season, students need to come to school prepared with appropriate outdoor clothing to suit warm as well as colder temperatures.

Allergy Policy

Parents and the general public should be aware that our school has a number of children with severe life threatening allergies. Please take the appropriate special precautions that your child does not bring products to school that contain nuts and/or fish products.

It should also be noted that Bishop Abraham Elementary School is a scent aware school. People should refrain from wearing perfumes and scented deodorants. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!